I decided to experiment with on of the lenses I had, a 55mm. After taking the pictures the first problem I had was when winding the film back it got caught and I snapped it. Luckily I went straight to a film developing place and got them to take the film out in a black sack. I could only afford to have them developed into negatives and then I decided to when I recieved them back i would scan them in and see if I could, using photoshop, turn them into a final product.
I first desaturated them then inverted them. I then had to turn the brightness down and the contrast way up. After this I had quite a grainy look and you couldn't really make out what the photograph was of so the last few I sharpened however I feel that this made them look cheap and fake. Overall a pretty much lose lose situation...I will not be scanning negatives again!




I recently spent a weekend in Paris, a city quite unknown to me and chose to take pictures on my new lomography fisheye camera.
Some of the images I got were so beautiful, however captured a separated voyeuristic feel that sometimes I felt in this city, and that behind the beauty there was a place just like our capital full of people sick and tired of being a spectacle to everyday tourists.